______ _____ _____ ___.-___ __ _____ _____ ______ _) _Y _Y _Y (__) | _Y __Y _Y (_ \_ | \_ | \_ l_\_ _/\_ \_ _/\_ l_\_ | _/ | | | | | | l | | | l | | | | | l__| l_____l__| l__ l__| l__ l__| l__| | `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' ______ _____ ___.-______ _____ _____ _) ._ Y_ _Y (__) _Y _Y __| \_ |/ / | \_ | \_ | \_ |_\_ _/_ | __/ . | l | . | l | l | l__| l__| l__ l__| l__ l__ | 2F `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' 3nds Ringdown loaded with AMIGA/ASCII/CONSOLE/PSX/MAC 4040 26mb 5.3gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/TELNET * TRSI RECORDZ DKHQ * AFTERSHOCK HQ * HOODLUM DK HQ * * MOT!ON HQ * ROYAL HQ * TRADERS DREAM HQ * STYLE HQ * * LSD HQ * DATA DIVISION EHQ * POLKA BROS. WHQ * PUZZLE WHQ * * KEFRENS WHQ * SAVE OUR SOULS HQ * ARTWORK EHQ * REBELS WHQ * * LOOKER HOUSE EHQ * ROYAL MAC SCHQ * OLDSKOOL HQ * THE PROTECTORS ARE: ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^BLACK PANTHER/PSG UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^RECALL/CLS^QTX <0> +45 58ASK4IT <0> <0> +FIND ON IRC <0> [======THE=ABOVE=IS=JUST=BBS=ADDS============================================] @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .__.______________________________________. | /|__ _____. .___ ___ ___ __ __ __ | |/ __/_/ __ |_|___\_\ \/ /_/__ /__ /__ | |_ _\ _ \__|_ __/ .__\ /__/__//__//__/ | |_\_____\___|__\____|___\/________________| | | | starring cLONe! . presents | | e . v . i . l | |_________________________________________| @END_FILE_ID.DIZ RAUMSCHIFF MIT KŽSE <-------------------- EIN NEUES cLONe! PRODUKTION -------> . . : | : : | . . : ____/\__ _ ___/\______ ___/\__ __/\___ _____ \___ \__ _ ______/ __ _ \_ __ \/ _/ pNM/ / / ___/__ / \_ \ \/ \ _/ /_/ \_ \_ / \_ / \_ 666\_____ / \______ / ___/ / _/ / _ _ \/ _ ________ /_ _ _____ /_ _ ______ /cL! \/ \/ \/ ::. .::. .::. ::: . ::: . ::: . ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: . . .::::::: . ..::::::: . .::::::: ::: ::. ::: ::. ::: ::. ::: .:: ::: :: ::: :: ::: .::: ::: .:: ::: .:: ::: ::: ::: :: ::: :: :::: :::: :::: | . . : : . . + . . _ ______ _ __ ______ ____. ____ ______ \ __ \ \_ / \_ \/ \_ / _____// \\ / / \/ / \__/ : \___/\___/ \____/_____/ :....p.a.r.a.n.o.r.m.: . : : | | . . . aN aSCII cOLLECTION ! . | | : : . . this is actually an impulse by me, impulses I tend to follow, if it weren't for impulses you wouldn't read this stupid text, and I wouldn't have to regret for the rest of my life releasing this "shouldn't have done it" collection, but since I followed one of those treacherous impulses you read this confuzing nonsense now, and you have it as a proof of this asciicollections existence. // cLONe! . : : : : . . . : : . . . . . : __/\__________/\_________/|. ........ ___/\__________/\_____ \_ __________ _ _____ | :::::::::: __ __ ______ _ \ / Y _/ / |) / / |____ :::. :::: / \_ \ / Y \ _/ | \_/ ____/_/ | \:::: :::/ | \_ | \_ cL!\______ /__ |__ _\______ /:::.. :::_____| /______ / _ _ _____ ____________________ / :::::::: _________ /__________ / cL!:\/ \| pNM\/ -666\/ \/ . : mAN, i mUST b3 dR3AMIn', yA aCTUALLY pRESSED tHE 'U' sWITCH . ............................................... : uPLOAD oNLY 'hOT' wAR3Z, nO sHIT, 0-3 dAYS oNLY oR lOOz3 * 3 cR3DZ, tOUGH lUCK tH3N 4 yA--- bUT dON'T cOM3 aND sAY i dIDN't wARN yA: : : this is an upload logo for those who ever care . : . . . : . . . . . : : ::::: ________ ________________________ ___________ ::::: ::::: \_ / \_ _________ ______/ \_ _____/__:::: ::::: / /______ ___/_____ ___/_____ / /:::::::::: _/ / / \ / \ / / /::::: ::::: \_______ /_____ /______ /______ / ::::: ::::: :{____/ cL!{____/ pNM{____/ -666{____/ ::::: ::::: : ::::: :.............................. rATIO: 1/3 : nO cRAP / lAME sTUFF : fIN3, jUST gO:aH3AD... dON'T mAK3 iT a hABiT tHO' sINCE iF yOU dO... bY3bY3 aCCOUNT... : : . . and for the opposites of uploading (yuck) . : . : . . . . . . _ _____ ________ ________ : : / _ \_ |___\_ _ |/ _____/ : : / _ _____| _ | _| | |666 . . . . .. o oo OO / \ / /| | | \_ | | ye evocation is \_// ___/ | | | | | | complete, ye old ones \______|___| |___| | | has entered thy mind cL!|___|pNM|___|____\ a simple chat-logo with a dark entrance verse, all by cLONe! (who elz3 ? ) . : . . . : . . . . . life Razorlike fingers touch my throat, the feeling of death is coming closer. Like evil shadows whose minds run weak I fall from high atop. Perhaps death is my goal when I wander through the moonlit night. Sensations makes me feel like I've lost my breath, I swim towards the surface, but it is too deep, I start to fade... fade into shadowness... . . : . : . . ! .......... ______ ________ ::::: __________ _______ / /_______ _/ ______/__:::::.. \_ _____/ __/\__ \_ \ / _ / \_____ /::::: ___/____ \ / / \ / / / / / ::::: / / / /_ _\ \____/ / / / / :::::/______ / \/ _ _ ______/_ _____/ _ _ _______/ ::::: _ _ ______/ cL! :::: ... _____________:::: _______ _____________ \_ ___ /::::: \_ /_____ __/\__ \_ __ / / \_ / ::::: / / 666/ \ / / /____/ / / / :::::/ / / /_ _\ / / pNM /_____/ /.:::::::::: / / \/ /_____/ ______/ :::::_________/ ::::: . : . . a little logo for the leader of , hop3 ya like it ... for if you don't... satan's gonna getcha hah hAH HAH ! . . . . : . __mmm@@@@@@Wmms_. _gW@**~~` ~~V*M@m_. .--------÷ ,m@Af~ ÷--------------÷ '~*@Ws ÷--------. | .cRb. ,W@*` VM@s .e^D. | | ,W@P` MPH-ARSL-GAIOL ~M@s | | g@M@@W_ ,g@@@W. | ¦ ,W@` @WV@W_ ,m@*@A Y@s ¦ : ,@A` ]@[ V@Ws ,W@*`d@! V@b : . ,@A @@ VMWs _W@f` ,@A !@b . .,@A !@[ VM@s gW@f d@! !@b. W@` M@. ~M@s. gWAf ,@P Y@i d@! !@b ~M@s. g@A~ W@` M@. ,@A Y@. 'M@m@A~ i@P !@b d@! '@W ,m@A@m. W@ M@. @A Y@i ,m@*` '*@m. i@[ !@[ i@[ '@W _W@f` 'V@W. @@ @W ]@[ ]@i_W@f` 'V@W_]@! @@ ]@ @@Af V@@@ ]@ ]@ g@A@[ d@@Ws ]@ ]@ ,g@A~ M@. ,@A VMWs ]@ ]@[ ,m@A` !@b d@` VM@s @@ !@[ ,m@*` M@. i@P ~M@s. @A @W _W@f` '@b W@` ~M@s. i@[ Y@i_W@f` Y@i i@P 'M@s.W@` '@@@@mmmmmmmmmmmmmmW@WmmmmmmmmmmmW@mmmmmmmmmmmmmmW@@@P Y@P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y@P~~~~~~~~~Y@P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@@` M@. @@ A H @@ M L L K d@! V .'@W ]@[ ]@! i@P· : '@W M@ ,@A i@P . ¦ '@W. !@b d@! g@P : | 'M@. M@. ,@A d@f ¦ | V@m. '@b d@` gWA` | | 'M@s. Y@i i@P _W@f | `------÷ 'M@m. ÷-----÷ '@W W@` ÷-----÷ gW@f ÷------' '*@Ws_ Y@m@[ ,_m@Af ~VM@mm__. @@@ __gmW@*~` ~~***@@@@@@A**f~` oit eoga mlu ln bam lml eoan ooe gze plg basp ol sea m oavaanbbl ln-nia-o sob ssno-l egooeeon f g-do bng sman-m mel / the seven stones . : . . : . . . . \ _ |\ _// | \ _/ / ___________ _________ ______ ___________ _________ | \/ / | __ |_/ _______/ \_ |_____\_ ______/ _/ _______/ | \ / | \_ |\______ | _ | ___/___ \______ | |666 \ | | | | | | | | | | | _______\ | |_____| | |_____| | | | | | | / | | : | | | | | | | | | / |_____| cL!|___________| pNM|_____|__________|___________| |/ do not ask me who requested this logo, because I do not know his name, here it is for any usage it might be... . . . . : . . . . . . __/\__ \ / . /_ _\ . . \/ . : : : : : : __/\_______:_ __/\______ _ ___/\_____ __/\_______ :__/\_______ \_ _ __ _ _ _ _______ \_ \_ _ _ __ _ \_ / _ _/ / \_ \ / ________/ / \ \/ _ _/ / / \/ / \/ \ \ \ \ / \ _/ / \ / \ \ \ \ \ / \ \ / \_ / \ \_ \ / \ \____/\________ ___/\________ _ __/\______ _____/\______ __\_______ _/ :\/ cL!\/ pNM\/ :\/ -666\/ :. .: :: . . :: :::..............:.........:...........::: This, if any group, should be described as gods since they contain only of the most talented people on the scene today, and they deserve the proper respect, I think they are the group which rocks the scene... and probably forever will... . : . . : . . . . . . final words: Why is this collection so small you ask? perhaps it is because I do not get any request with sense in them, many people just request a logo for the sake of "requesting" this I do not take any longer, if you want a sane logo, don't come with an insane attitude... remember this: I will never make a logo which is requested on a bbs, through a door or such, if the logo REALLY is necessary for you you may e-mail the request with a little note what it is supposed to be used as, if you don't have an e-mail adress, I don't even want to speak with you... perhaps it sounds like I am being evil... and that's right I am evil... especially when it's about nonsense requests... once I had 67 requests, and instead of making them and replying all messages I didn't give a fuck... lazy?... yes... sane? ... perhaps If you don't get the idea of the above either sell your modem and buy a pile of moron horse-papers and read all night... or do it the simple way... suicide... get it? Thanks & respects to: Chrombacher ( For being such a good artist and also for learning me the secrets of ascii-making... without him I wouldn't be writing this little text... =) ) Stash ( Sorry he has left the big-scene, he's still using computers tho' but no more ascii from him... ) Razor1911 ( For releasing all the awesome quality on the scene... you guys rule... rock ... and roll!... ) -======== 3mail: fisk@mail.lmnta.rudbeckp.orebro.se (Yup, cool long one.. :) ) or: ru0442@bf.orebro.se ( I check this each month... =) ) [======THE=BELOW=IS=JUST=BBS=ADDS============================================] . this file has been frozen inside . . : ____ _|_ __ : : \/ \ / \/, : : ______ ______ ______ ____ _____ ______ ______ ______: __) _ (____) __ (____) _ (__) (__ __) /_____) ___( __) _ (__) _ (__ / / _ ( _ __ __/_/ _ / _ __(__/ __ / / \___/ /\____ /\___/ \____ ( \___/ /\____ _____/ \___/ / : )___/gdm-)____/ /____/ )______/ /____/ )____/lkr/____/ )___/: : _ _ : : - - -)_)- P · A · L · A · C · E -(_(- - - : : : `----------------.- t.h.e.n.o.r.t.h.e.r.n.p.a.l.a.c.e -.-----------------' _::_ 3nds ringdown loaded with amiga/ascii/console/psx/mac _::_ \/ 4040 26mb 5.3gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/telnet \/ motion · royal · traders dream · trsi recordz · aftershock · hoodlum hq style · lsd · data division ehq · polka bros. · puzzle world headquarter! save our souls hq · looker house ehq · royal mac schq · oldskool hq kefrens whq · artwork ehq · rebels whq . - - board dedushka-morozes - - . : : zinko · playmate · sisko · bilbo baggins/m! · neil/flt · recall/cls^qtx ufok/cqt^mst^lsd^psg^crx · fury/psg/m! · black panther/psg : : . -^- - -santa +45-58aSKyARSELF- - -^- . . . _______._ _._ <<(· THE YARD ·)>> \ . ______ _______ ____._ ¡/ \ |_ / / ___ \ _____\ ¡ | 1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS _\ (__\\____/__\ /______\ _/ \ | | 4\iSDN sTATIC tELNET sLOTS /__________________/ /________\mt^lp| | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM _ ________ _ ____ ________ | | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM \ \ /// ________./ ¡\ / | | aEROHOLiCS·diSCiPLES oF aGEEMA \ \____/ _ /¡ _|_\ \__| | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN \ \ \____\ \!___/ \____/ _!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________: \____________._ · \\ \\ ________________\ ! \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·